1639-1899; bulk: 1755-1889

Guide to the Microfilm Edition

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the correspondence, letterbooks, diaries, literary manuscripts, speeches, legal and business papers, and other papers of John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Charles Francis Adams, as well as papers of many other Adams family members and incoming correspondence from hundreds of major and minor figures in America and Europe.

Collection Description

The Adams family papers consist of correspondence, letterbooks, diaries, literary manuscripts, speeches, legal and business papers, and other papers of John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Charles Francis Adams, as well as papers of other family members, including Abigail Brooks Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Brooks Adams, Charles Adams, Charles Francis Adams II, George Washington Adams, Henry Adams, John Adams II, John Quincy Adams II, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, Abigail Adams Smith, and others. The collection also contains a large amount of incoming correspondence from hundreds of major and minor figures in America and Europe.

Acquisition Information

Gift of the Adams Manuscript Trust, 1956. The Adams Manuscript Trust was instituted in 1905 by the three surviving sons and one of the grandsons of Charles Francis Adams, in order to provide for the proper care and use of all the papers, public and private, of President John Adams, President John Quincy Adams, and Charles Francis Adams, together with the papers of their wives and children. The papers were on deposit at the Massachusetts Historical Society from the establishment of the trust until April 1956, when they were given to the MHS. The collection was microfilmed between 1954 and 1959.

Other Formats

Digital facsimiles of the Elise Charlotte Otté diary are available on Leisure, Travel & Mass Culture: The History of Tourism, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

Digital facsimiles of the Samuel Cooper Johonnot and Samuel Tucker journals are available on Life at Sea, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

The Adams Papers editorial project and Harvard University Press have published and continue to publish many volumes of Adams family papers. The volumes are arranged in four series: I. Diaries, II. Adams Family Correspondence, III. General Correspondence and Other Papers of the Adams Statesmen, and IV. Adams Family Portraits. See the Adams Papers's list of Volumes Published for more information.

The Adams Papers Digital Edition at the Massachusetts Historical Society contains all the content of the printed documentary editions of Revolutionary-era Adams Papers. Included in this digital edition is all the text of the historical documents, all editorial text, and a single index containing all entries from the printed Adams Papers indexes.

Many Adams family manuscripts have also been digitized for the Massachusetts Historical Society website, including correspondence between John and Abigail Adams, the diary and autobiography of John Adams, and the diaries of John Quincy Adams. See the MHS's Adams Family Resources for a list of on-line resources.

The Adams family papers microfilm is available for purchase through:
UMI Research Collections
789 E. Eisenhower Parkway
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346
1-800-521-0600 x2793

For a list of institutions holding this microfilm, see Microfilm Set Locations.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Diaries, 1755-1880

A. John Adams diaries, 1755-1804

Reel 1
18 Nov. 1755-5 July 1771

Note: See Reel 608 for John Adams's diary, 21 Mar.-18 Oct. 1761.

Reel 2
16 Dec. 1772-Aug. 1804
Reel 3
Copies of John Adams diaries by John Quincy Adams and Charles Francis Adams, 1755-1772

B. John Quincy Adams diaries, 1779-1848

Reel 4
12 Nov.-31 Dec. 1779
Reel 5
1 Jan.-31 Jan. 1780
Reel 6
25 July-30 Sep. 1780
Reel 7
9 June-27 Aug. 1781
Reel 8
27 Jan.-23 Nov. 1782
Reel 9
31 Dec. 1782-26 Feb. 1783
Reel 10
6-29 Aug. 1783, 20-22 Sep. 1783
Reel 11
20 Oct.-6 Dec. 1783, 8 Aug. 1784, 22 Aug. 1784, 13 Oct. 1784, 20 Mar. 1785
Reel 12
Almanac, 31 Dec. 1782-17 Oct. 1783
Reel 13
1 Jan. 1785-30 June 1786
Reel 14
1 July 1786-31 Oct. 1787
Reel 15
1 Nov. 1787-31 Dec. 1790
Reel 16
Almanac, 11 Jan.-31 Dec. 1788
Reel 17
Almanac, 1789
Reel 18
Almanac, 1790
Reel 19
Almanac, 1791
Reel 20
1 Apr.-5 May 1791, 13 Apr.-16 May 1792
Reel 21
Almanac, 1792
Reel 22
Almanac, 1793
Reel 23
3 June 1794-28 Feb. 1795
Reel 24
17 Sep.-31 Oct. 1794
Reel 25
Almanac, 1794
Reel 26
1 Jan. 1795-12 May 1801, 5 Aug. 1809-30 Apr. 1836
Reel 27
1 Mar. 1795-31 Dec. 1802
Reel 28
Almanac, 1800
Reel 29
Almanac, 1802
Reel 30
1 Jan. 1803-4 Aug. 1809

Note: See Reel 309 for John Quincy Adams's fragmentary diary, 3 Feb.-14 Nov. 1803.

Reel 31
5 Aug. 1809-31 July 1813
Reel 32
1 Aug. 1813-31 May 1816
Reel 33
1 June 1816-31 Dec. 1818
Reel 34
1 Jan. 1819-20 Mar. 1821, 10 Nov.-6 Dec. 1824
Reel 35
21 Mar. 1821-7 Jan. 1822, 1 Apr.-30 Nov. 1822
Reel 36
"Diary in abridgment," 1 Dec. 1821-31 Dec. 1838
Reel 37
1 Jan. 1823-14 June 1824
Reel 38
25 Jan. 1823-Oct. 1826
Reel 39
1 Jan. 1825-30 Sep. 1830
Reel 40
11 Nov. 1825-24 June 1828
Reel 41
1 Oct. 1830-24 Mar. 1832
Reel 42
1 Dec. 1832-31 May 1835
Reel 43
1 June 1835-5 Dec. 1836
Reel 44
5 Dec. 1836-4 Jan. 1837, 29 July 1840-31 Dec. 1841
Reel 45
1 Jan. 1839-28 July 1840
Reel 46
1 Jan. 1842-8 July 1843
Reel 47
9 July 1843-31 Dec. 1844
Reel 48
1 Jan. 1845-10 Aug. 1846
Reel 49
"Rubbish I," diary and miscellaneous entries, 11 June 1829-31 Oct. 1833
Reel 50
"Rubbish II," diary and miscellaneous entries, 20 May 1820-31 July 1838
Reel 51
"Rubbish III," diary and miscellaneous entries, 19 Aug. 1823-31 Dec. 1826
Reel 52
"Rubbish IV," diary and miscellaneous entries, 1 Jan. 1827-Feb. 1848

C. Charles Francis Adams diaries, 1823-1880

Note: See Reel 608 for Charles Francis Adams's diaries, 1 Jan.-15 Feb. 1820, and 1 Jan. 1824-15 June 1827.

Reel 53
18 Dec. 1823-21 Jan. 1824
Reel 54
22 Jan.-20 Feb. 1824
Reel 55
1 May-31 Oct. 1824
Reel 56
26 Nov. 1826-27 July 1827
Reel 57
31 July 1827-16 Oct. 1828
Reel 58
17 Oct. 1828-3 Sep. 1829
Reel 59
4 Sep. 1829-16 May 1830
Reel 60
17 May 1830-31 Dec. 1831
Reel 61
1 Jan. 1832-31 Dec. 1833
Reel 62
1 Jan. 1834-12 Dec. 1835
Reel 63
13 Dec. 1835-31 Aug. 1837
Reel 64
1 Sep. 1837-31 Dec. 1838
Reel 65
1 Jan. 1839-23 May 1841
Reel 66
24 May 1841-31 Aug. 1843
Reel 67
1 Sep. 1843-19 May 1845
Reel 68
20 May 1845-31 Dec. 1846
Reel 69
1 Jan. 1847-22 Apr. 1848
Reel 70
23 Apr.-13 Sep. 1848
Reel 71
14 Sep. 1848-31 Aug. 1850
Reel 72
1 Sep. 1850-16 Aug. 1852
Reel 73
17 Aug. 1852-31 Dec. 1855
Reel 74
1 Jan. 1856-2 Aug. 1859
Reel 75
3 Aug. 1859-9 Nov. 1860
Reel 76
10 Nov. 1860-31 Dec. 1861
Reel 77
1 Jan. 1862-30 Apr. 1864
Reel 78
1 May 1864-30 June 1865
Reel 79
1 July 1865-31 July 1866
Reel 80
1 Aug. 1866-30 Sep. 1867
Reel 81
1 Oct. 1867-30 Nov. 1868
Reel 82
1 Dec. 1868-31 May 1870
Reel 83
1 June 1870-28 Nov. 1871
Reel 84
29 Nov. 1871-31 Jan. 1873
Reel 85
1 Feb. 1873-25 Oct. 1874
Reel 86
26 Oct. 1874-31 July 1876
Reel 87
1 Aug. 1876-31 May 1878
Reel 88
1 June 1878-2 Nov. 1880

II. Letterbooks, 1755-1881

A. John Adams and Abigail Adams letterbooks, 1755-1826

This subseries includes one Abigail Adams letterbook (Reel 97) and one John Adams letterbook that also contains some earlier correspondence of John Quincy Adams (Reel 96). The rest of the letterbooks belonged to John Adams.

Reel 89
26 May 1776-8 Feb. 1778
Reel 90
2 June-1 Oct. 1776
Reel 91
3 Feb.-7 July 1777; expense account, Jan.-Sep. 1777
Reel 92
3 May 1778-12 Feb. 1779
Reel 93
12 May 1778-8 Nov. 1779, 15 Sep. 1788
Reel 94
Copies of letters from the French ministry to the American Peace Commission, 15 May 1778-8 Jan. 1779
Reel 95
3 June 1778-Feb. 1779; "private," 23 Mar. 1809-6 May 1814
Reel 96
"Public and private," 14 Nov. 1779-28 July 1780, preceded by John Quincy Adams letterbook, 29 May 1778-20 Feb. 1779

Note: See Reels 125-155 for the rest of John Quincy Adams's letterbooks.

Reel 97
Abigail Adams letterbook, 18 Nov. 1779-Dec. 1780
Reel 98
Copies of letters to the president of Congress from Spain and France on armed neutrality, 11 Dec. 1779-5 June 1780
Reel 99
Copies of correspondence between the French ministry and the American Peace Commission, 12 Feb.-29 July 1780
Reel 100
Copies of letters to the president of Congress from the American Peace Commission, 10 June-14 Aug. 1780
Reel 101
Copies of letters to the president of Congress from Holland, 14 Aug. 1780-7 Feb. 1781; copies of letters to the "Author of Politique Hollandais," 22 Jan. 1782
Reel 102
"Private," 17 Aug. 1780-26 Apr. 1782
Reel 103
Copies of letters and documents of the American Peace Commission, Paris, 1780-1783
Reel 104
Copies of letters and documents of the mission in Holland, 29 Dec. 1780-29 Mar. 1782
Reel 105
Copies of letters to the French ministry on the mediation of the Imperial Courts, 7 July 1781-Jan. 1782
Reel 106
31 Mar. 1782-3 Aug. 1783, Holland; 10 Aug.-14 Sep. 1783, Paris
Reel 107
28 Apr. 1782-12 Dec. 1785
Reel 108
Copies of letters of the American Peace Commission, Paris, 31 Oct. 1782-8 Sep. 1783
Reel 109
Copies of state papers of the American Peace Commission, 4 Nov. 1782-12 June 1783
Reel 110
17 Nov. 1782-10 June 1783 (scattered entries)
Reel 111
"Public," 26 May 1785-28 Feb. 1786
Reel 112
"Public," 3 Dec. 1785-28 Feb. 1788
Reel 113
"Public and private," 12 Dec. 1785-2 Feb. 1788, 28 Aug. 1788
Reel 114
May-July 1789, Aug.-Oct. 1797, Feb. 1825-May 1826; transcripts of letters, 1755-1776; accounts with the U.S., 1789-1792
Reel 115
20 May 1789-7 Jan. 1793
Reel 116
25 Apr. 1793, 12 May 1793, 12 Sep. 1794; diary, 11 Jan.-28 Feb. 1781

Note: The diary on this reel is also located on Reel 2.

Reel 117
18 Jan. 1797-22 Feb. 1799
Reel 118
"Public," 7 Mar.-20 June 1797; "private," 23 Mar. 1801-26 Nov. 1812
Reel 119
17 Oct. 1797-8 July 1799
Reel 120
10 July 1799-2 Mar. 1801
Reel 121
30 Nov. 1812-17 Apr. 1813
Reel 122
29 May 1814-7 Nov. 1816, preceded by account book, 13 Feb.-28 July 1780
Reel 123
13 Nov. 1816-12 Aug. 1819; account book, American Peace Commission, 16 Jan. 1777-23 Feb. 1779
Reel 124
18 Aug. 1819-20 Feb. 1825, preceded by journal of European bank drafts, 1785-1788

B. John Quincy Adams letterbooks, 1781-1848

Note: See Reel 96 for John Quincy Adams's letterbook, 29 May 1778-20 Feb. 1779.

Reel 125
"Private," May 1781-27 Sep. 1782
Reel 126
"Private," 30 May 1794-8 Feb. 1795
Reel 127
"Public," 30 May 1794-12 July 1795
Reel 128
"Private," 9 Feb. 1795-16 Feb. 1797
Reel 129
"Public," 12 July 1795-2 May 1798
Reel 130
25 Aug. 1795-14 Apr. 1796; "public and private," 16 Feb. 1797-14 Feb. 1798
Reel 131
"Private," letterpress copies, 26 Dec. 1795-30 May 1801
Reel 132
"Public," 30 May 1796-23 Dec. 1801
Reel 133
"Private," 17 Feb. 1798-6 July 1799
Reel 134
"Private," 9 July 1799-28 Apr. 1801
Reel 135
"Private," 7 Oct. 1801-5 June 1812, 8 Feb. 1814
Reel 136
"Public," 27 June 1809-5 Dec. 1812
Reel 137
Public documents and letters sent to the secretary of state, etc., 10 Oct. 1809-25 Oct. 1816, 14/26 Mar. 1810-Dec. 1815, 16 Apr.-26 Dec. 1814
Reel 138
"Public," 2 May 1810-17 July 1816
Reel 139
"Private," 5 Jan. 1811-9 May 1815
Reel 140
Official record of the U.S. commissions to St. Petersburg and Ghent, 6 May 1813-6 Jan. 1815
Reel 141
Copies of correspondence and documents, U.S. commission at Ghent and mission at London, 7 Aug. 1814-26 Apr. 1815, 11 May-9 June 1815, 7 Apr.-8 July 1815; "private," 27 Mar.-1 May 1831
Reel 142
"Public," 28 Feb. 1815-19 Mar. 1816; list of passports delivered, 9 June 1815-26 May 1817
Reel 143
"Private," 16 Mar. 1816-31 Jan. 1817, 9 May 1817-10 May 1818
Reel 144
"Public and private," 17 July 1816-10 June 1817, 26 Nov. 1817-27 Jan. 1823 (scattered entries), 18 Dec. 1830-22 Mar. 1831
Reel 145
"Private," 10 Sep. 1817-28 June 1819, 25 Oct. 1838, 5 Nov. 1838
Reel 146
"Public," 28 Sep. 1817-19 May 1831
Reel 147
"Private," 12 May 1818-7 May 1825
Reel 148
"Private," 10 Feb. 1825-13 Mar. 1829
Reel 149
"Private," 9 July 1826-13 Feb. 1830
Reel 150
"Private," 18 Feb. 1830-14 Sep. 1832
Reel 151
"Private," 12 Sep. 1832-12 Mar. 1834
Reel 152
"Private," 14 Mar. 1834-31 Dec. 1836
Reel 153
"Private," 1 Jan. 1837-22 Nov. 1839
Reel 154
"Private," 20 Nov. 1839-19 Nov. 1845
Reel 155
"Private," 22 Nov. 1845-4 Feb. 1848

C. Charles Francis Adams letterbooks, 1826-1881

Reel 156
10 Dec. 1826-26 Oct. 1828
Reel 157
20 Nov. 1828-13 Dec. 1836
Reel 158
25 Nov. 1829-14 Jan. 1847
Reel 159
26 Jan. 1841-8 Dec. 1848
Reel 160
12 Dec. 1848-18 Mar. 1851
Reel 161
8 Apr. 1851-27 Mar. 1856
Reel 162
1 Apr. 1856-23 Nov. 1859
Reel 163
16 Jan.-26 Oct. 1860
Reel 164
31 Oct. 1860-1 May 1861
Reel 165
17 May-5 Oct. 1861
Reel 166
2 Oct. 1861-10 Jan. 1862
Reel 167
11 Jan.-23 June 1862
Reel 168
25 June 1862-27 Feb. 1863
Reel 169
2 Mar.-21 Aug. 1863
Reel 170
21 Aug. 1863-5 Mar. 1864
Reel 171
5 Mar.-31 Oct. 1864
Reel 172
3 Nov. 1864-10 June 1865
Reel 173
12 June 1865-22 Feb. 1866
Reel 174
22 Feb. 1866-19 Mar. 1867
Reel 175
19 Mar. 1867-29 Feb. 1868
Reel 176
3 Mar. 1868-22 Apr. 1873, 26 May 1880-29 Oct. 1881
Reel 177
8 Jan. 1873-9 Dec. 1881
Reel 178
Index to letters received, Great Britain, 1861-1863
Reel 179
Index to letters received, Great Britain, 1864-1866

III. Miscellany, 1761-1899

This series consists of miscellaneous manuscript material, largely in bound volumes, of various Adams family members, friends, and connections. In some cases, a single volume was used for different purposes or by more than one person.

The material in this series is arranged as follows: first by generation, beginning with John and Abigail Adams. Each generation is then organized from the oldest son to the youngest, with the wife of each son immediately following her husband. For family members with extensive material, papers are arranged in this order: 1. autobiographical material, including diaries (except those of John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Charles Francis Adams, whose diaries are located in Series I), memorandum books, etc.; 2. financial papers; 3. legal papers (notes, briefs, fees received, etc.); 4. literary material, including student exercises, commonplace books, translations, and original compositions; 5. political writings; and 6. unclassified material (manuscripts not classifiable in the other categories). Within these categories, manuscripts are arranged in chronological order whenever possible, with the exception of John Quincy Adams's literary manuscripts, which are arranged into two sequences: Reels 217-236 and Reels 237-243.

Non-Adams material, arranged alphabetically by author, is located at the end of the series.

A. John Adams miscellany, 1761-1831

Reel 180
Reel 181
Account book, 6-9 July 1781
Reel 181
Will, inventory, and estate papers, 1819-1831
Reel 181
Blank notebook with fragment of French manuscript on cover
Reel 182
Docket of court cases, Jan. 1763-Apr. 1770
Reel 183
Docket of court cases, Jan. 1771-July 1774
Reel 184
Legal commonplace book
Reel 184
Lists of actions, 1761-1770
Reel 184
Briefs and notes on admiralty cases
Reel 184
Four notebooks on Massachusetts cases (not in Adams's hand)
Reel 185
Briefs and notes on legal cases, 1761-1778 and undated
Reel 185
Accounts and miscellaneous papers related to Adams's law practice
Reel 186
Notes on law cases, with notes in other hands, including that of John Quincy Adams
Reel 187
Literary commonplace book
Reel 188
Literary notes and drafts
Reel 189
Copy of Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence, June 1776
Reel 189
Facsimiles of the engrossed and signed text of the Declaration of Independence executed by Maverick (1817) and Stone (1823)
Reel 190
Copies of instructions to Adams for negotiating treaties of peace and commerce, 1779-1780
Reel 191
Copies of Massachusetts Bay charters and other state papers regarding boundaries, etc., furnished to Adams in 1780-1781
Reel 192
Journal of bills of exchange in Holland, 1780-1784
Reel 193
Catalog of his library, 1790
Reel 194
Journal of executive actions, Mar. 1797-Mar. 1799
Reel 195
Journal of executive actions, June 1799-May 1800
Reel 196
Two manuscript funeral sermons on Adams by John T. Kirkland, 23 July 1826

B. Abigail Adams miscellany, 1784-1818

Reel 197
Diary, 20 June-19 July 1784, 20-28 July 1787, 30 Mar.-May 1788
Reel 198
Manuscript funeral sermon on Mrs. Adams by John T. Kirkland, Nov. 1818, with a copy in another hand

C. John Quincy Adams miscellany, 1780-1848

Reel 199
Pocket memorandum and commonplace book (scattered entries), 1782-1836
Reel 200
Pocket memorandum and account book (scattered entries), 1795-1824
Reel 201
Memorandum book ("The Chaos"), 1804-1827
Reel 202
Memoranda kept in St. Petersburg, 1810-1813
Reel 203
Memorandum and garden book (scattered entries), 1810-1845
Reel 204
Pocket memorandum book, 1815-1828, with diary notes for Nov. 1824
Reel 204
Pocket memorandum book, 1831
Reel 205
Expense book, 1791-1802
Reel 205
Accounts with the United States, 1811-1812
Reel 206
Accounts with the United States, 1794-1801, 1809-1822
Reel 206
Financial ledger, 1802-1813
Reel 207
"Monies received," 1798-1801, 10 Jan. 1804
Reel 207
Daily expenses, 1798-1807
Reel 208
Household account book, 1799-1822
Reel 209
Personal financial record, 1802-1822
Reel 210
Account book (scattered entries), 1809-1829
Reel 211
Account book and miscellaneous notes, 1810-1814
Reel 212
Accounts kept by Quinzard (Adams's cook), 1811-1813
Reel 213
Accounts with the Bank of the Metropolis, 1818-1847
Reel 213
Checks drawn on the Bank of the Metropolis, 1818-1846
Reel 214
Legal memoranda, 1786, et seq.
Reel 215
Legal accounts, 1790-1804
Reel 215
Fee book, 1792-1809
Reel 215
Notes on legal cases, Feb.1802, Aug. 1802
Reel 216
Records of the Commissioners of Bankruptcy, 1802
Reel 217
Latin and Greek copybook, Jan. 1781
Reel 218
Copy of Fables de Phèdre, 1781, with prologue, 1831
Reel 219
Poetical commonplace book, St. Petersburg, 1782
Reel 220
Literary commonplace book, St. Petersburg, 1782
Reel 221
Poetical commonplace book, St. Petersburg, 1782
Reel 222
Translation of Sallust, 1784
Reel 223
Verse composition book, 1784-1792
Reel 224
Quotations from Shakespeare
Reel 225
Translations from Tacitus
Reel 226
Translations of Jean Luzac's Oratio de Socrate Cive (Leyden, 1796)
Reel 227
Copy of his translation of Dietrich von Bülow's Der Freistaat von Nordamerika... (Berlin, 1797)
Reel 228
Original poems and draft of translation of Wieland's Oberon
Reel 229
Translation of Wieland's Oberon
Reel 229
Title page of Adams's translation of Oberon as edited by A. B. Faust (New York, 1940)
Reel 230
Literary commonplace book and miscellaneous memoranda (scattered entries), 1803-1825
Reel 231
Boylston lectures on oratory (except Nos. 1, 13, 18, and part of 19), 1807-1809
Reel 232
Boylston lectures on oratory, continued (except No. 27), 1807-1809
Reel 232
Drafts and notes for another series on the same subject, incomplete
Reel 233
Transcripts of Adams's letters to George Washington Adams on reading the Bible, Sep. 1811-Sep. 1813
Reel 234
Notes for and drafts of Report on Weights and Measures, 1819-1821
Reel 235
Partial draft of Report on Weights and Measures, 1820
Reel 236
Report on Weights and Measures (Washington, 1821)
Reel 237
Poems and translations, 1780-1841, including draft and copy of "Dermot MacMorrogh" and miscellaneous memoranda
Reel 238
Early translations and literary extracts in French, English, and Latin
Reel 239
Early translations into French and English
Reel 240
Early translations into French and English
Reel 241
Writings, literary notes, and extracts, 1787-1829
Reel 242
Long poetical compositions, including a draft of his translation of Wieland's Oberon
Reel 243
Miscellaneous short poems, 1805-1846
Reel 244
Draft of "The Brevet, Observations on the claims to command of Brevet Major General Winfield Scott," 1828
Reel 245
Another draft (or copy) of the treatise on brevet rank, with supplementary material, 1814-1828
Reel 246
"Answer to the Appeal of Certain Federalists," 1829
Reel 246
"Parties in the United States," 1829
Reel 247
"Alphabetical Index to my files of Letters, papers and documents," 1794-1801
Reel 248
List of books sent from Europe, 1801
Reel 249
List of U.S. public documents, 1808-1822
Reel 250
Weather record, Washington, D.C., Jan. 1818-May 1825
Reel 251
Presidential messages to the Senate and House, Dec. 1825-May 1828
Reel 252
Executive Record: commissions signed, Mar. 1825-Dec. 1828, and acts approved or disapproved, 23 Dec. 1825-3 Mar. 1829; orders, 5 Mar. 1825-3 Mar. 1829; nominations, 5 Mar. 1825-24 May 1828
Reel 253
Copy of proceedings of the special Senate session beginning 4 Mar. 1825
Reel 254
Registers of letters received, Mar. 1825-Oct. 1827, Nov. 1827-Feb. 1829
Reel 254
Lists of Congressional resolutions, Dec. 1825-Mar. 1827, Dec. 1827-Feb. 1829
Reel 255
Scrapbook of mounted clippings related to Adams's western trips, July-Aug. 1843, Sep.-Nov. 1843
Reel 255
Newspaper notices (transcripts) related to Adams's western trips
Reel 256
Transcripts of letters and documents from various sources related to political and diplomatic affairs, 1782-1831
Reel 257
Copy of the executive proceedings of the U.S. Senate, May 1789-Mar. 1801
Reel 258
Copy of the executive proceedings of the U.S. Senate, Mar. 1801-Mar. 1811
Reel 259
Copy of the executive proceedings of the U.S. Senate, Nov. 1811-Apr. 1814
Reel 260
Copy of the executive proceedings of the U.S. Senate, Sep. 1814-May 1820
Reel 261
Copy of the executive proceedings of the U.S. Senate, Mar. 1825-Mar. 1829
Reel 262
Copy of the journal of the Hartford Convention, 1814-1815
Reel 263
Manuscript funeral sermon on Adams by William P. Lunt, Mar. 1848

D. Louisa Catherine Adams miscellany, 1812-1849

Reel 264
Diary, 22 Oct. 1812-15 Feb. 1814, 24 Jan.-25 Mar. 1819, with poems and a dramatic composition
Reel 265
Diary, 6 Dec. 1819-8 Jan. 1824
Reel 265
"Record of a Life, or My Story," begun 23 July 1825
Reel 266
Diary, 19 July-19 Aug. 1821
Reel 267
Diary, 17 Aug.-27 Sep. 1821
Reel 268
Diary, verse compositions, and prose reflections, 1835-1841
Reel 268
"Narrative of a Journey from Russia to France," 1815
Reel 269
Autobiographical sketch: "The Adventures of a Nobody," begun 1 July 1840
Reel 270
Diary, 12 Apr. 1843-28 Aug. 1847
Reel 270
Poems, 1842-1849
Reel 271
Poetical compositions and commonplace book, 1816-1835
Reel 272
Poetical compositions, 1816-1835
Reel 272
Copies of poems, chiefly by John Quincy Adams, in his wife's hand, 1816-1843
Reel 273
Translations and poems, 1825-1847
Reel 274
Prose composition: "The Metropolitan Kaleidoscope or Varieties of Winter. Etchings by Rachel Daub...," 18 Dec. 1827 (two manuscript texts)
Reel 275
Verse composition book
Reel 276
Dramatic composition: "Juvenile Indiscretions or Grand Papa a Farce in one Act"
Reel 277
Dramatic composition: "Suspicion or Persecuted Innocence. A Tragedy," and a fragment entitled "Leonora Vernon"
Reel 278
Dramatic compositions: "The Wag or Just from College" and "The Captives of Scio or The Liberal Americans"
Reel 279
Dramatic compositions: "The Innocent Convicted" and other fragments
Reel 280
Literary compositions and translations

E. Thomas Boylston Adams miscellany, 1794-1797

Thomas Boylston Adams (1772-1832), the third son and youngest child of John and Abigail (Smith) Adams, graduated from Harvard in 1790 and studied law. He accompanied his brother John Quincy Adams on his first diplomatic mission to Europe as secretary in 1794, returned in 1798, and practiced law and contributed to Joseph Dennie's Port Folio in Philadelphia for some years thereafter. In 1805, he married Ann Harrod of Haverhill and settled in Quincy, which he represented in the Massachusetts legislature, 1805-1806. In 1811, he was appointed chief justice of the circuit court of common pleas for the southern circuit of Massachusetts.

Reel 281
Diary, 15 Sep.-23 Oct. 1794
Reel 282
Diary, 24 Oct. 1794-14 Apr. 1796
Reel 283
Expense book, 1794-1797

F. Ann Harrod Adams miscellany, 1806-1840

Ann Harrod Adams (1774-1846) was the wife of Thomas Boylston Adams.

Reel 284
Family record, 1806-ca. 1825
Reel 285
Verses by members of her family and others, ca. 1820-1840

G. William Stephens Smith miscellany, 1783

William Stephens Smith (1755-1816), of New York, married Abigail, daughter of John and Abigail (Smith) Adams, in London in 1786. He had served in the Continental Army throughout the Revolution, part of the time as aide to General Washington. From 1813 to 1816, he was a member of Congress from New York.

Reel 286
Proceedings of the American Commissioners of Inspection during the British evacuation of New York, 1783

H. George Washington Adams miscellany, 1814-1825

George Washington Adams (1801-1829), the eldest son of John Quincy and Louisa Catherine (Johnson) Adams, was a member of the class of 1821 at Harvard. He studied law but was much more devoted to literature. He took his own life by jumping from a steamboat in Long Island Sound.

Reel 287
Diary, 1-23 Aug. 1825
Reel 287
Autobiographical essay, 1825
Reel 288
Letterbook and copybook, 1814-1817
Reel 289
Account book, 1823-1824
Reel 290
Legal commonplace book, with added entries in another hand
Reel 291
Poetical and prose compositions, 1817-1820
Reel 292
"Records of the Dramatic Society" (in various hands), 1819-1823
Reel 293
Poetry notebook
Reel 294
Literary commonplace book
Reel 294
Drafts of speeches and other writings by Charles Francis Adams
Reel 295
Literary commonplace book, with further entries by Charles Francis Adams

I. Charles Francis Adams miscellany, 1803-1876

Note: See Reels 294 and 295 for additional Charles Francis Adams papers.

Reel 296
Reminiscences of his mission to Great Britain, 1861-1862, begun 1 Sep. 1867
Reel 297
Accounts as manager of John Quincy Adams's finances, 1828-1846, with earlier entries by George Washington Adams, 1824
Reel 298
Accounts as manager of John Quincy Adams's finances, 1837-1847, with earlier entries by George Washington Adams, 1823-1824
Reel 299
Accounts as manager of John Quincy Adams's finances, 1838-1842, with records of George Washington Adams's estate and expenses, Jan.-Feb. 1824
Reel 300
Accounts as manager of John Quincy Adams's finances, 1842-1845, with earlier entries by George Washington Adams, 1823-1824
Reel 301
Financial ledger, 1846-1851
Reel 302
Financial ledger, 1852-1868
Reel 303
Account book, 1829-1844
Reel 304
Accounts as agent of trust for Mary Louisa Adams, 1852-1857
Reel 305
Financial records, receipt book, and family accounts, 1834-1859
Reel 306
Bank deposit book, Metropolitan Bank, New York City, with 12 checks, 1854
Reel 307
Travel expenses in Europe, kept by E. Giorgi, Adams's courier, Dec. 1871-Feb. 1872
Reel 308
Travel expenses in Europe, kept by L. Perrini, Adams's courier, May-Sep. 1872
Reel 309
"Book of Possessions" (records of Adams's property), 1853, with other materials, including a fragmentary diary of John Quincy Adams, 3 Feb.-14 Nov. 1803
Reel 310
Legal commonplace book, 1825
Reel 311
Legal commonplace book, 1827-1829
Reel 312
Literary commonplace book, 1822
Reel 313
Theme book
Reel 314
Lecture notes, ca. 1823-1825
Reel 315
Composition book (drafts of political writings), 1828-1830
Reel 316
Composition book (drafts of reviews and legislative papers), ca. 1843-1845
Reel 317
Literary miscellany (reviews, lectures), ca. 1827-1846
Reel 318
Literary miscellany (lectures, addresses, etc.), 1841-1875
Reel 319
Political writings and speeches, 1832-1837
Reel 320
Political writings and speeches, 1837-1876
Reel 321
Scrapbook of his newspaper articles, 1832-1835
Reel 322
Scrapbook of his newspaper articles, 1835-1836
Reel 323
Scrapbook of his newspaper articles, 1835-1850
Reel 324
Scrapbook of his newspaper articles, 1836
Reel 325
Scrapbook of newspaper articles by various writers related to the slavery issue, etc., 1848-1860
Reel 326
Catalog of John Quincy Adams pamphlet collection, 1833
Reel 327
Transcripts from the family papers made in 1833, with reminiscences of John Adams by various hands

J. Elizabeth Coombs Adams miscellany, 1770-1899

Elizabeth Coombs Adams (1808-1903), the second daughter of Thomas Boylston and Ann (Harrod) Adams, never married and lived all her life in Quincy, Mass. One of her hobbies was preserving family mementoes and chronicling family history in the form of notes and marginalia.

Reel 328
Scrapbook, sketchbook, and autograph collection, 1770-1899

K. William Steuben Smith miscellany, 1814

William Steuben Smith (1787-1850), the eldest child of William Stephens Smith and Abigail (Adams) Smith, accompanied his uncle John Quincy Adams to St. Petersburg in 1809. In 1813, he married Catherine Maria Frances Johnson, younger sister of Mrs. John Quincy Adams.

Reel 329
Diary, 24 Jan.-22 Sep. 1814

L. Non-Adams miscellany, 1769-1843

Reel 330
George Beaufort [i.e. Samuel Cooper Johonnot?] journal, kept onboard the Sensible, 14 Nov.-9 Dec. 1779

"George Beaufort" is evidently a pseudonym for Samuel Cooper Johonnot (1768-1806), who accompanied the Adamses on their voyage from Boston to Spain, Nov.-Dec. 1779. Johonnot was a grandson of Reverend Samuel Cooper and a son of Gabriel Johonnot of Boston. He was sent abroad for schooling under John Adams and later under Benjamin Franklin at Passy. Returning home several years later, he graduated from Harvard in 1783; practiced law in Portland, District of Maine; and became U.S. consul at Demerara, British Guiana, where he died. There was no George Beaufort aboard La Sensible on the voyage to Spain in 1779, but John Quincy Adams's journal of this voyage frequently mentions young Johonnot, and according to a note in Adams's hand at the end of the "Beaufort" journal, this manuscript diary was presented by Johonnot to Adams, presumably soon after the voyage.

Digital facsimiles of the Samuel Cooper Johonnot journal are available on Life at Sea, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

Reel 331
Thomas Callender memorandum book, kept principally in Princeton, New Jersey, 1804-1820

Thomas Callender (1778-1827) was born at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and married Anne Maria Smith in New Orleans in 1808. She was the daughter of Reverend Samuel Stanhope Smith and the granddaughter of Reverend John Witherspoon of Princeton, New Jersey. Callender appears to have spent his mature life in Princeton and New York City. How Callender's memorandum book came to be part of the Adams family papers is unknown.

Thomas Baker Johnson diaries, 1807-1838

Thomas Baker Johnson (1778?-1843), the younger brother of Louisa Catherine Johnson (Mrs. John Quincy Adams), was a valetudinarian traveler. Little is known of him beyond these voluminous and disorderly diaries.

Reel 332
31 Dec. 1807-1808, 24 July-Nov. 1827, 14-16 Feb. 1837
Reel 333
16 Dec. 1828-28 Apr. 1829
Reel 334
May-3 June 1829, 13 Apr. 1836, May-June 1836
Reel 335
10 Aug. 1836-13 Feb. 1837
Reel 336
14 Feb.-30 May 1837
Reel 337
30 May-14 Aug. 1837
Reel 338
14 Aug.-17 Dec. 1837
Reel 339
18 Dec. 1837-20 May 1838
Reel 340
Elise Charlotte Otté diary, kept on a tour through northern New York and Canada to Niagara Falls with John Quincy Adams and the Grinnell family, July 1843

Elise Charlotte Otté (1818-1914), of Danish and English ancestry, came to the United States about 1840 to serve as schoolmistress and companion in the Grinnell family of New Bedford, Mass. She returned to England and achieved a reputation as a student of linguistics.

Digital facsimiles of the Elise Charlotte Otté diary are available on Leisure, Travel & Mass Culture: The History of Tourism, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available to researchers on MHS library computers. See a reference librarian for information on how to access this resource.

Reel 341
James Blake diary, 5 Aug. 1769-6 Nov. 1771Formerly attributed to Stephen Peabody.

James Blake (1751-1771), of Dorchester, Mass., graduated from Harvard in 1769 and studied for the ministry with Reverend William Smith, Abigail Adams's father.

Reel 342
Samuel Tucker journal, "An Abstract of a Journal...on board the Contl. Frigate Boston," 11 Feb.-6 Sep. 1778

Samuel Tucker (1747-1833) was captain of the Continental frigate Boston that carried John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams to France on the former's first diplomatic mission early in 1778.

Digital facsimiles of the Samuel Tucker journal are available on Life at Sea, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

IV. Letters received and other loose papers, 1639-1889

This series contains letters received and other loose papers in a single chronological sequence, 1639-1889 (followed by undated material); a supplement of material arranged topically (ciphers, cipher keys, genealogical material, newspaper clippings, wills, deeds, etc.); and addenda consisting of portions of the diaries of John Adams, 1761, and Charles Francis Adams, 1820, 1824-1827, discovered too late for inclusion in Series I.

A. Chronological papers, 1639-1889

Reel 343
Reel 344
1767-July 1775
Reel 345
Aug. 1775-Apr. 1776
Reel 346
May-Dec. 1776
Reel 347
Jan.-Sep. 1777
Reel 348
Oct. 1777-Mar. 1778
Reel 349
Apr.-Dec. 1778
Reel 350
Reel 351
Jan.-May 1780
Reel 352
June-Sep. 1780
Reel 353
Oct.-Dec. 1780
Reel 354
Jan.-May 1781
Reel 355
June-Dec. 1781
Reel 356
Jan.-Apr. 1782
Reel 357
May-Aug. 1782
Reel 358
Sep.-Oct. 1782
Reel 359
Nov.-Dec. 1782
Reel 360
Jan.-May 1783
Reel 361
June-Nov. 1783
Reel 362
Dec. 1783-May 1784
Reel 363
June-Dec. 1784
Reel 364
Jan.-June 1785
Reel 365
July-Sep. 1785
Reel 366
Oct.-Dec. 1785
Reel 367
Jan.-Apr. 1786
Reel 368
May-Sep. 1786
Reel 369
Oct. 1786-Apr. 1787
Reel 370
May-Dec. 1787
Reel 371
Reel 372
Jan.-Aug. 1789
Reel 373
Sep. 1789-June 1790
Reel 374
July 1790-May 1791
Reel 375
June 1791-Dec. 1792
Reel 376
Reel 377
Jan.-Aug. 1794
Reel 378
Sep.-Dec. 1794
Reel 379
Jan.-June 1795
Reel 380
July-Dec. 1795
Reel 381
Jan.-June 1796
Reel 382
July-Dec. 1796
Reel 383
Jan.-Mar. 1797
Reel 384
Apr.-June 1797
Reel 385
July-Sep. 1797
Reel 386
Oct.-Dec. 1797
Reel 387
Jan.-Mar. 1798
Reel 388
Apr.-May 1798
Reel 389
June 1798
Reel 390
July-Aug. 1798
Reel 391
Sep.-Oct. 1798
Reel 392
Nov.-Dec. 1798
Reel 393
Jan.-Mar. 1799
Reel 394
Apr.-May 1799
Reel 395
June-July 1799
Reel 396
Aug.-Dec. 1799
Reel 397
Jan.-May 1800
Reel 398
June-Sep. 1800
Reel 399
Oct.-Dec. 1800
Reel 400
Jan.-May 1801
Reel 401
June 1801-Dec. 1802
Reel 402
Reel 403
Reel 404
Reel 405
Jan. 1807-Mar. 1808
Reel 406
Apr.-Dec. 1808
Reel 407
Jan.-July 1809
Reel 408
Aug.-Dec. 1809
Reel 409
Jan.-June 1810
Reel 410
July-Dec. 1810
Reel 411
Jan.-June 1811
Reel 412
July-Dec. 1811
Reel 413
Jan.-June 1812
Reel 414
July-Dec. 1812
Reel 415
Jan.-June 1813
Reel 416
July-Dec. 1813
Reel 417
Jan.-Apr. 1814
Reel 418
May-July 1814
Reel 419
Aug.-Sep. 1814
Reel 420
Oct.-Nov. 1814
Reel 421
Dec. 1814
Reel 422
Jan.-Mar. 1815
Reel 423
Apr.-May 1815
Reel 424
June 1815
Reel 425
July 1815
Reel 426
Aug.-Sep. 1815
Reel 427
Oct.-Nov. 1815
Reel 428
Dec. 1815
Reel 429
Jan.-Feb. 1816
Reel 430
Mar.-Apr. 1816
Reel 431
May 1816
Reel 432
June-July 1816
Reel 433
Aug. 1816
Reel 434
Sep.-Nov. 1816
Reel 435
Dec. 1816
Reel 436
Jan.-Mar. 1817
Reel 437
Apr.-May 1817
Reel 438
June-Aug. 1817
Reel 439
Sep. 1817
Reel 440
Oct.-Nov. 1817
Reel 441
Dec. 1817
Reel 442
Jan.-Mar. 1818
Reel 443
Apr.-July 1818
Reel 444
Aug.-Oct. 1818
Reel 445
Nov.-Dec. 1818
Reel 446
Jan.-Mar. 1819
Reel 447
Apr.-Aug. 1819
Reel 448
Sep.-Dec. 1819
Reel 449
Jan.-June 1820
Reel 450
July-Dec. 1820
Reel 451
Jan.-May 1821
Reel 452
June-Aug. 1821
Reel 453
Sep.-Dec. 1821
Reel 454
Jan.-Apr. 1822
Reel 455
May-July 1822
Reel 456
Aug.-Nov. 1822
Reel 457
Dec. 1822
Reel 458
Jan.-Feb. 1823
Reel 459
Mar.-Apr. 1823
Reel 460
May 1823
Reel 461
June 1823
Reel 462
July-Aug. 1823
Reel 463
Sep.-Dec. 1823
Reel 464
Jan.-May 1824
Reel 465
June-Aug. 1824
Reel 466
Sep.-Dec. 1824
Reel 467
Jan.-Feb. 1825
Reel 468
Mar. 1825
Reel 469
Apr.-May 1825
Reel 470
June 1825
Reel 471
July-Aug. 1825
Reel 472
Sep.-Nov. 1825
Reel 473
Dec. 1825
Reel 474
Jan.-Feb. 1826
Reel 475
Mar.-May 1826
Reel 476
June-July 1826
Reel 477
Aug.-Sep. 1826
Reel 478
Oct.-Dec. 1826
Reel 479
Jan.-Mar. 1827
Reel 480
Apr.-May 1827
Reel 481
June-July 1827
Reel 482
Aug.-Sep. 1827
Reel 483
Oct.-Dec. 1827
Reel 484
Jan.-Feb. 1828
Reel 485
Mar.-May 1828
Reel 486
June-July 1828
Reel 487
Aug.-Sep. 1828
Reel 488
Oct.-Nov. 1828
Reel 489
Dec. 1828
Reel 490
Jan.-Mar. 1829
Reel 491
Apr.-Dec. 1829
Reel 492
Reel 493
Jan.-July 1831
Reel 494
Aug.-Dec. 1831
Reel 495
Jan.-May 1832
Reel 496
June-Dec. 1832
Reel 497
Jan.-Sep. 1833
Reel 498
Oct. 1833-Jan. 1834
Reel 499
Feb.-May 1834
Reel 500
June-Dec. 1834
Reel 501
Jan.-Mar. 1835
Reel 502
Apr.-Dec. 1835
Reel 503
Jan.-May 1836
Reel 504
June-Dec. 1836
Reel 505
Jan.-Feb. 1837
Reel 506
Mar.-Aug. 1837
Reel 507
Sep.-Dec. 1837
Reel 508
Jan.-Feb. 1838
Reel 509
Mar.-June 1838
Reel 510
July-Dec. 1838
Reel 511
Jan.-Feb. 1839
Reel 512
Mar.-Dec. 1839
Reel 513
Jan.-Mar. 1840
Reel 514
Apr.-June 1840
Reel 515
July-Nov. 1840
Reel 516
Dec. 1840-Jan. 1841
Reel 517
Feb.-Apr. 1841
Reel 518
May-July 1841
Reel 519
Aug.-Nov. 1841
Reel 520
Dec. 1841-Jan. 1842
Reel 521
Feb.-Mar. 1842
Reel 522
Apr.-June 1842
Reel 523
July-Oct. 1842
Reel 524
Nov.-Dec. 1842
Reel 525
Jan.-Mar. 1843
Reel 526
Apr.-Aug. 1843
Reel 527
Sep.-Dec. 1843
Reel 528
Jan.-Mar. 1844
Reel 529
Apr.-July 1844
Reel 530
Aug.-Dec. 1844
Reel 531
Jan.-Apr. 1845
Reel 532
May-Aug. 1845
Reel 533
Sep.-Dec. 1845
Reel 534
Jan.-May 1846
Reel 535
June-Dec. 1846
Reel 536
Reel 537
Jan.-Apr. 1848
Reel 538
May-Dec. 1848
Reel 539
Reel 540
Reel 541
Reel 542
Reel 543
Reel 544
Jan. 1857-July 1858
Reel 545
Aug.-Dec. 1858
Reel 546
Jan.-June 1859
Reel 547
July-Dec. 1859
Reel 548
Jan.-Apr. 1860
Reel 549
May-July 1860
Reel 550
Aug.-Dec. 1860
Reel 551
Jan. 1861
Reel 552
Feb. 1861
Reel 553
Mar.-May 1861
Reel 554
June-Aug. 1861
Reel 555
Sep.-Nov. 1861
Reel 556
Dec. 1861
Reel 557
Jan.-Feb. 1862
Reel 558
Mar.-May 1862
Reel 559
June-July 1862
Reel 560
Aug.-Sep. 1862
Reel 561
Oct.-Nov. 1862
Reel 562
Dec. 1862-Jan. 1863
Reel 563
Feb.-Mar. 1863
Reel 564
Apr.-May 1863
Reel 565
June-July 1863
Reel 566
Aug.-Sep. 1863
Reel 567
Oct.-Nov. 1863
Reel 568
Dec. 1863-Feb. 1864
Reel 569
Mar.-Apr. 1864
Reel 570
May-June 1864
Reel 571
July-Aug. 1864
Reel 572
Sep.-Dec. 1864
Reel 573
Jan.-Mar. 1865
Reel 574
Apr. 1865
Reel 575
May-June 1865
Reel 576
July-Sep. 1865
Reel 577
Oct.-Dec. 1865
Reel 578
Jan.-Apr. 1866
Reel 579
May-Aug. 1866
Reel 580
Sep.-Dec. 1866
Reel 581
Jan.-Mar. 1867
Reel 582
Apr.-June 1867
Reel 583
July-Sep. 1867
Reel 584
Oct.-Dec. 1867
Reel 585
Jan.-Mar. 1868
Reel 586
Apr.-Dec. 1868
Reel 587
Reel 588
Reel 589
Reel 590
Jan.-June 1872
Reel 591
July-Aug. 1872
Reel 592
Sep. 1872-May 1873
Reel 593
June-Dec. 1873
Reel 594
Reel 595
Reel 596
Reel 597
Reel 598
Reel 599
Reel 600
Reel 601
Undated material

B. Topical supplements, 1765-1888

Reel 602
Ciphers and cipher keys
Reel 603
Genealogical material
Reel 604
Newspaper clippings, 1765-1847
Reel 605
Newspaper clippings, 1848-1849
Reel 606
Newspaper clippings, 1850-1888
Reel 607
Wills, deeds, etc.

C. Addenda, 1761-1827

Reel 608
John Adams diary, 21 Mar.-18 Oct. 1761
Reel 608
Charles Francis Adams diary, 1 Jan.-15 Feb. 1820, 1 Jan. 1824-15 June 1827

Preferred Citation

Microfilm edition of the Adams family papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Adams, Abigail, 1744-1818.
Adams, Abigail Brooks, 1808-1889.
Adams, Brooks, 1848-1927.
Adams, Charles, 1770-1800.
Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886.
Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915.
Adams, George Washington, 1801-1829.
Adams, Henry, 1838-1918.
Adams, John, 1735-1826.
Adams, John, 1803-1834.
Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848.
Adams, John Quincy, 1833-1894.
Adams, Louisa Catherine, 1775-1852.
Adams, Thomas Boylston, 1772-1832.
Smith, Abigail Adams, 1765-1813.
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