1778-2007; bulk: 1791-1956

Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The original autographs in this collection have been removed to Special Collections. Photocopies are available for use by researchers.

Collection Summary


This collection consists of autograph letters and other papers of eminent Unitarians and liberal religious thinkers from the United States and abroad, 1778-2007, collected by George E. Nitzsche of the Unitarian Society of Germantown.

Biographical Sketch

George E. Nitzsche was born in 1874 and grew up in Nazareth, Penn. He attended law school at the University of Pennsylvania from 1895 to 1898 and, after graduation, worked as bursar and registrar of the law school for six years. In 1904, he became manager of the University of Pennsylvania Bureau of Publicity, and in 1912, his title was changed from publicity agent to recorder. In his capacity as recorder, Nitzsche provided general information about the university to students and the public, promoted and managed university events, and collected archival material about the university and its alumni.

Nitzsche's publications include The Proceedings at the Dedication of the New Building of the Department of Law of the University of Pennsylvania (1901), Official Guide to the University of Pennsylvania (1904), University of Pennsylvania: Its History, Traditions, Buildings and Memorials (1914), and Philadelphia: Guide to the City (1920). In November 1902, he founded the alumni publication Old Penn, later renamed The Pennsylvania Gazette.

Nitzsche was a member of the Unitarian Society of Germantown (Penn.) and the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, where he served on the board of trustees for 18 years. From 1923 to 1953, through a combination of gifts and purchases, he collected autographs of renowned Unitarians for the George E. Nitzsche Unitariana collection. He gave the collection to the Unitarian Society of Germantown in 1954.

Nitzsche was married to Elsa Koenig Nitzsche, and the couple had two daughters: Elsa and Helma. Nitzsche died on July 28, 1961.

Collection Description

This collection consists of over 200 documents, primarily letters, containing the autographs of eminent Unitarians and other liberal religious thinkers from the United States and abroad. Among the individuals represented are politicians, authors, scientists, reformers, clergymen, scholars, educators, businessmen, and judges. Included are autographs of John Adams, Louisa May Alcott, Susan B. Anthony, William Ellery Channing, James Freeman Clarke, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Dorothea Dix, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Thomas Jefferson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Horace Mann, Harriet Martineau, Theodore Parker, Francis Parkman, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Daniel Webster, and many others.

Although the papers span four centuries, the bulk of the material dates from the 19th century. Among the earliest items are a letter from Vice President John Adams to Secretary of War Henry Knox, 1791, and an 1801 "sea letter," or ship's passport, signed by both Thomas Jefferson and Levi Lincoln. Other highlights include a rare introspective letter from Transcendentalist author Margaret Fuller to Mary Peabody, later Mrs. Horace Mann; a 34-page handwritten account by Harriet Martineau of her transatlantic voyage in 1836; a letter from educator Elizabeth Palmer Peabody about her historical works; and a few lines by Ralph Waldo Emerson from his poem "Voluntaries," written to commemorate the 54th Massachusetts Regiment's attack on Fort Wagner, S.C.

The collection also contains articles, booklets, programs, posters, and other printed material related to famous Unitarians, Unitarianism, and other religious subjects. Included are books by Joseph Priestley and Charles William Wendte.


The papers in this collection are organized alphabetically by author. When the collection came to the Massachusetts Historical Society, some folders contained supplemental material, such as printed matter or correspondence, related to an individual whose autograph Nitzsche hoped to acquire but never did. These folders have been retained.

NOTE: This guide describes the collection of photocopies and supplemental material shelved at Ms. N-2165, not the original autographs located in Special Collections.

Acquisition Information

This collection was purchased from the Unitarian Society of Germantown, July 2008.

Restrictions on Access

The original autographs in this collection have been removed to Special Collections. Photocopies are available for use by researchers.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Background material, 1855-1955

This series contains material collected by Nitzsche while researching and compiling his autograph collection. The bulk of the material consists of biographical sketches, copied from Who's Who in America and other sources, of individuals represented in the collection and those whose autographs Nitzsche hoped to collect. Included are names and biographies of many individuals not listed in Series II. Other papers in this series include printed matter about famous Unitarians and the history of Unitarianism, printed portraits of individuals not represented in Series II, and valuations and catalogs documenting the value of autographs at the time Nitzsche was collecting.

Box 1Folder 1-5
Biographies, undated and 1934
Box 1Folder 6-13
Miscellaneous printed matter, undated and 1855-1953
Box 1Folder 14
Miscellaneous portraits, 1897-1955
Box 2Folder 1
Valuations, undated and 1927
Box 2Folder 2-3
Auction catalogs, undated and 1936-1937
Box 2Folder 4
Book catalogs, 1921-1923

II. Autographs, 1791-2007

Arranged alphabetically.

This series contains original autographs, primarily letters, as well as supplemental material by or about many of the individuals represented in the collection. This material includes printed matter, correspondence, notes, and other papers. Some of the folders in this series contain no autograph, only supplemental material related to an individual whose autograph Nitzsche hoped to obtain but never did. These folders are indicated below in italics. For example, the folder labeled "Ames, Charles Gordon" contains a booklet written by Ames, but no autograph.

Adams, Charles Francis

Box 2Folder 5
Letter to Miss Helen M. Holyoke, 9 May 1871

Adams, John

Box 2Folder 6
Letter to General Knox, 13 Sep. 1791
Box 2Folder 6
Printed quotation by Charles Francis Adams about John Adams, undated

Adams, John Quincy

Box 2Folder 7
Letter to Rev. Samuel J. May, 24 Apr. 1838, with engraved portrait and seal of John Quincy Adams
Box 2Folder 7
Printed quotation by James Fenimore Cooper about John Quincy Adams, 1955

Alcott, Amos Bronson

Box 2Folder 8
Letter to "Dear Sir," 1 May 1866
Box 2Folder 8
Printed portrait of Amos Bronson Alcott, 1897

Alcott, Louisa May

Box 2Folder 9
Letter to Miss Laura C. Holloway, 23 Feb. [ca. 1888?]
Box 2Folder 9
Printed article about Louisa May Alcott, 1938

Alger, William Rounseville

Box 2Folder 10
Letter to Dr. Peabody, 11 Nov. 1885
Box 2Folder 10
Note about letter to Dr. Peabody, undated

Ames, Charles Gordon

Box 2Folder 11
Printed booklet: "Unitarian Christianity," undated

Ames, Fisher

Box 2Folder 12
Letter to "Dear Sir," 27 Jan. 1800

Ames, Oliver

Box 2Folder 13
Letter to Mr. C. W. Ernst, 2 Mar. 1888

Andrew, John Albion

Box 2Folder 14
Letter to Hon. S. P. Chase, 18 Dec. 1862

Anthony, Henry Bowen

Box 2Folder 15
Letter to "Frank," 22 Apr. 1864

Anthony, Susan Brownell

Box 2Folder 16
Letter to Mr. Foster, 8 Nov. 1884
Box 2Folder 16
Susan B. Anthony postage stamp, ca. 1936

Appleton, Nathan

Box 2Folder 17
Letter to Rev. A. Bigelow, 8 Feb. 1848

Baillie, Joanna

Box 2Folder 18
Letter to [George Bartley], 16 Sep. 1818

Baird, Spencer Fullerton

Box 2Folder 19
Letter to Charles M. Wallace, Esq., 22 Feb. 1876

Bancroft, George

Box 2Folder 20
Letter to the editors of the North American Review about General Greene's actions at Fort Washington, 6 Mar. 1867

Barber, Henry Hervey

Box 2Folder 21
Letter to Dr. and Mrs. Wilber, 19 Dec. 1916

Barrows, Samuel June

Box 2Folder 22
Description of "the new Baptist meeting house," undated

Bartol, Cyrus Augustus

Box 2Folder 23
Letter to Rev. A. P. Peabody, 5 Dec. 1853

Bartol, George Murillo

Box 2Folder 24
Letter from Sydney B. Snow to George E. Nitzsche about George Bartol, 1935
Box 2Folder 24
Note about George Bartol, undated

Batchelor, George

Box 2Folder 25
Letter to Rev. Earl M. Wilbur, 19 July 1906

Beard, John Relly

Box 2Folder 26
Printed article about James R. Beard, 1907

Bellows, Henry Whitney

Box 3Folder 1
Letter to Dr. Peabody, 28 Mar. 1867

Bergh, Henry

Box 3Folder 2
Letter to Mrs. Carroll, 20 Oct. 1874

Bigelow, George Tyler

Box 3Folder 3
Letter to Hon. Richard Fletcher, 15 Dec. 1851

Blackwell, Alice Stone

Box 3Folder 4
Letter to "Dear Friend," 6 May 1901

Blankenburg, Lucretia

Box 3Folder 5
Printed article about Lucretia Blankenburg, undated

Blankenburg, Rudolph

Box 3Folder 6
Letter to Mr. Ames, 1 Aug. 1880
Box 3Folder 6
Biographical sketch of Rudolph Blankenburg, undated

Boutwell, George Sewall

Box 3Folder 7
Letter to George A. Dary, Esq., 22 Dec. 1892

Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll

Box 3Folder 8
Letter to Henry G. Denny, Esq., 2 July 1858

Bowring, Sir John

Box 3Folder 9
Letter to John Potter, Esq., 29 Oct. 1823

Brackett, John Quincy Adams

Box 3Folder 10
Letter to Miss Ernestine L. Merrill, 24 Sep. 1903

Brooke, Stopford Augustus

Box 3Folder 11
Letter to "Dear Madam," undated

Brooks, Charles Timothy

Box 3Folder 12
Letter to "My dear Sir," 17 Jan. 1868

Brooks, Peter Chardon

Box 3Folder 13
Letter to Samuel Swett, Esq., 9 Aug. 1808

Bryant, William Cullen

Box 3Folder 14
Letter to Thomas M. Brewer, Esq., 1 May 1869?

Button, Joseph Priestley

Box 3Folder 15
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 3 May 1926
Box 3Folder 15
Letter from Julia A. D. Gartrell to Joseph Priestley Button, 1922

Carpenter, Joseph Estlin

Box 3Folder 16
Postcard to Rev. Earl M. Wilbur, 27 Nov. 1905

Carpenter, Mary

Box 3Folder 17
Letter to Mrs. [Williams], 30 May 1837

Carpenter, William B.

Box 3Folder 18
Letter to "My dear Madam," 5 Jan. 1845

Carruth, William Herbert

Box 3Folder 19
Postcard to Dr. W. S. Morgan, 9 Apr. 1914

Cary, George Lovell

Box 3Folder 20
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 29 Mar. 1907

Center, Sarah E.

Box 3Folder 21
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 4 Feb. 1931
Box 3Folder 21
Printed article about Sarah E. Center, 1931
Box 3Folder 21
Draft of Sarah E. Center's will, 1931
Box 3Folder 21
Settlement of Sarah E. Center's estate, 1932
Box 3Folder 21
Biographical sketch of Sarah E. Center, undated

Chadwick, John White

Box 3Folder 22
Letter to Charles A. Burkhardt, 15 July 1889

Chamberlain, Neville

Box 3Folder 23
Article about Neville Chamberlain, 1938

Chandler, Charles Lyon

Box 3Folder 24
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 7 June 1935
Box 3Folder 24
Biographical sketch of Charles Lyon Chandler, undated

Chandler, William Eaton

Box 3Folder 25
Letter to Hon. H. B. Anthony, 19 Feb. 1883

Channing, William Ellery

Box 3Folder 26
Letter to Daniel Webster, Esq., 5 June 1829
Box 3Folder 26
Poems of William Ellery Channing, in another hand, undated
Box 3Folder 26
Transcript of letter to Daniel Webster, undated [two copies]
Box 3Folder 26
Printed images of Newport, R.I., and Channing statue, undated
Box 3Folder 26
Printed quotation, undated
Box 3Folder 26
Small printed poster about William Ellery Channing, undated

Channing, William Henry

Box 3Folder 27
Correspondence between Ruth B. Searle and George E. Nitzsche, 1944

Cheney, Ednah Dow

Box 3Folder 28
Letter to "My dear friend," 8 June 1882

Cheyney, Edward Potts

Box 3Folder 29
Two letters to George E. Nitzsche, undated and 18 May 1939

Child, Francis James

Box 3Folder 30
Letter to Miss Gertrude M. Hall, 5 Nov. 1888

Child, Lydia Maria

Box 3Folder 31
Letter to James T. Fields, undated

Christie, Francis A.

Box 3Folder 32
Printed booklet: "Why We Should Be Loyal to Unitarianism," undated

Chworowsky, Karl M.

Box 3Folder 33
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 8 Mar. 1955
Box 3Folder 33
Printed article: "What is a Unitarian?" 1955, autographed
Box 3Folder 33
Letter from George E. Nitzsche to Karl M. Chworowsky, 1955

Clark, Joseph S., Jr.

Box 3Folder 34
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 7 Nov. 1952
Box 3Folder 34
Speech of Joseph S. Clark, Jr., 1952, autographed
Box 3Folder 34
Letter from George E. Nitzsche to Joseph S. Clark, Jr., 1952
Box 3Folder 34
Printed article about Joseph Clark, Sr., 1956

Clarke, James Freeman

Box 3Folder 35
Letter to "My Dear Sir," 11 June 1862

Clifford, John Henry

Box 3Folder 36
Letter to Rev. Walker, 22 July 1858

Cobbe, Frances Power

Box 4Folder 1
Poem: "Morius Cano," undated

Collyer, Robert

Box 4Folder 2
Letter to "Brother mine," 21 Sep. 1908
Box 4Folder 2
Anecdote by George E. Nitzsche about Robert Collyer, undated

Cooper, Peter

Box 4Folder 3
Statement about the condition and the laws of mankind, 5 May 1881

Cranch, Christopher Pearse

Box 4Folder 4
Poem: "A Problem," undated

Crooker, Joseph Henry

Box 4Folder 5
Letter to Dr. Wilbur, 15 Aug. 1911
Box 4Folder 5
Printed portrait of Joseph H. Crooker, undated

Crothers, Samuel McChord

Box 4Folder 6
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 3 June 1910

Curtis, Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar

Box 4Folder 7
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 13 June 1927
Box 4Folder 7
Letter to Mrs. A. S. Reid, 1 Mar. 1933
Box 4Folder 7
Copies of letters from Kate Curtis and Cyrus H. K. Curtis to Ralph H. Baldwin, 1930

Curtis, George Ticknor

Box 4Folder 8
Letter to Joseph T. Sherwood, Esq., 4 Nov. 1839, with reply by Sherwood, 6 Nov. 1839

Cushman, Charlotte Saunders

Box 4Folder 9
Letter to Miss Wheelock, 20 Oct. 1834?
Box 4Folder 9
Printed pamphlet about the Charlotte Cushman Club, undated

Darrow, Clarence S.

Box 4Folder 10
Printed advertisement for The Man from Kinsman: A Biographical Appreciation of Clarence Darrow, 1933

Darwin, Charles Robert

Box 4Folder 11
Letter to [Chauncey Wright], 23 Sep. [1871]
Box 4Folder 11
Two printed articles about Charles Darwin, 1943, 2007

D'Ascenzo, Myrtle and Nicola

Box 4Folder 12
Letter to the Nitzsche family, 10 Jan. 1952
Box 4Folder 12
Printed program with artwork by Nicola D'Ascenzo, 1937 [two copies]
Box 4Folder 12
Letter from George E. Nitzsche to Mr. and Mrs. Nicola D'Ascenzo, 1952

Daskam, Max F.

Box 4Folder 13
Postcard to George E. Nitzsche, 3 Oct. 1941

David, Francis

Box 4Folder 14
Printed reproduction of a painting of Francis David, undated
Box 4Folder 14
Printed article about Francis David, 1911

Davis, Horace

Box 4Folder 15
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 17 Feb. 1906

Dewey, Orville

Box 4Folder 16
Letter to B. B. Thatcher, Esq., 13 Jan. 1834

Dickens, Charles

Box 4Folder 17
Letter to Mrs. Howe, 6 Nov. 1866
Box 4Folder 17
Note about Charles Dickens, 1927

Dix, Dorothea Lynde

Box 4Folder 18
Letter to "My dear Mary," 27 Mar. 1865

Dole, James Drummond

Box 4Folder 19
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 2 May 1934

Douthit, Jasper L.

Box 4Folder 20
Postcard to Rev. Earl M. Wilbur, 3 Mar. 1914

Dwight, John Sullivan

Box 4Folder 21
Letter to J. B. Clapp, Esq., 11 Mar. 1889

Eliot, Charles William

Box 4Folder 22
Letter to Miss Sedgwick, undated
Box 4Folder 22
Printed booklet: "The Religion of the Future," undated

Eliot, Frederick May

Box 4Folder 23
Printed quotation, undated

Eliot, Samuel A.

Box 4Folder 24
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 16 Mar. 1923
Box 4Folder 24
Printed portrait of Samuel A. Eliot, undated

Eliot, Thomas Lamb

Box 4Folder 25
Letter to the treasurer of the Pacific Unitarian School for the Ministry, 8 Nov. 1913

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Box 4Folder 26
Excerpt of "Voluntaries," June 1877
Box 4Folder 26
Small printed poster about Ralph Waldo Emerson, undated

Everett, Alexander H.

Box 4Folder 27
Letter to M. A. Jullien, 14 June 1830

Everett, Edward

Box 4Folder 28
Letter to Messrs. Schouler and Brewer, 6 June 1850

Felton, Cornelius Conway

Box 4Folder 29
Letter to George W. Greene, Esq., 17 Nov. 1834

Fields, James Thomas

Box 4Folder 30
Letter to "Gentlemen," 17 Sep. 1871

Fillmore, Millard

Box 4Folder 31
Letter to unidentified recipient, 22 July 1850

Fiske, John

Box 4Folder 32
Letter to Mr. Savage, 16 Nov. 1891

Fitch, John

Box 4Folder 33
Printed article about John Fitch, 1938

Forbes, Roger Sawyer

Box 4Folder 34
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 23 Sep. 1927

Francis, Convers

Box 4Folder 35
Letter to "Dear Sir," 5 May 1843

Franklin, Benjamin

Box 5Folder 1
Biographical sketch of Benjamin Franklin, undated
Box 5Folder 1
Two printed portraits of Benjamin Franklin, undated
Box 5Folder 1
Reproduction of the seal of the University of Pennsylvania, undated
Box 5Folder 1
Letter from J. H. Weatherall to George E. Nitzsche, 1931
Box 5Folder 1
Printed articles about Benjamin Franklin, 1931-1956
Box 5Folder 2
Letter from George E. Nitzsche to Franklin Bache Huntingdon, 1940
Box 5Folder 2
Printed booklet about the International Benjamin Franklin Society, 1955
Box 5Folder 2
Printed booklet: "The Fabulous Doctor Franklin," by James Francis Cooke, 1956
Box 5Folder 2
Miscellaneous notes about Benjamin Franklin, undated and 1956

French, Daniel Chester

Box 5Folder 3
Letter to Mrs. [Whitmore], 2 Mar. 1898

Frothingham, Nathan Langdon

Box 5Folder 4
Letter to Henry M. Fuller, Esq., 9 May 1848

Frothingham, Octavius Brooks

Box 5Folder 5
Letter to unidentified recipient, 5 Apr. 1891

Fuller, Margaret

Box 5Folder 6
Letter to Miss Mary Peabody, 17 Apr. 1836
Box 5Folder 6
Biographical sketch of Margaret Fuller, undated

Furness, Horace Howard

Box 5Folder 7
Notes on Shakespeare's Othello, undated
Box 5Folder 7-8
Harvard University commencement address, undated
Box 5Folder 8
Letter to Mr. Ecot, 10 Mar. [no year]
Box 5Folder 8
Letter to Julian R. Dillaby, 19 Aug. 1895

Furness, Horace Howard, Jr.

Box 5Folder 9
Postcard to William G. Moore, undated
Box 5Folder 9
Three postcards to George E. Nitzsche, undated
Box 5Folder 9
Notes on Shakespeare's Coriolanus, undated
Box 5Folder 9
Printed excerpt from Shakespeare's Coriolanus, undated

Furness, William Henry

Box 5Folder 10
Letter to "Dear friends," 23 Jan. 1866

Gannett, William Channing

Box 5Folder 11
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 30 Sep. 1914

Garfield, James A.

Box 5Folder 12
Letter to Hon. Hugh McCullough, 30 June 1866

Gilbert, William M.

Box 5Folder 13
Letter from D. L. Gilbert to Mr. Nolen, 1899
Box 5Folder 13
Printed booklet: "Syllabus of a Course of Six Lectures on The Divine Comedy of Dante," 1899

Gilman, Nicholas Paine

Box 5Folder 14
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 26 Sep. 1895

Goodrich, Herbert F.

Box 5Folder 15
Letter to Sarah E. Center, 22 Jan. 1931
Box 5Folder 15
Three letters to George E. Nitzsche, 19 Feb.-9 June 1931
Box 5Folder 15
Biographical sketch of Herbert F. Goodrich, undated

Goodwin, Ichabod

Box 5Folder 16
Letter to Messrs. George and Ivory Lord, 2 Sep. 1831

Gordon, Alexander

Box 5Folder 17
Letter to Rev. E. M. Wilbur, 24 May 1905

Gore, Christopher

Box 5Folder 18
Letter to J. Bigelow, Esq., 2 Dec. 1807

Greeley, Horace

Box 5Folder 19
Letter to Dr. G. M. Brown, 2 Feb. 1866

Greenhalge, Frederic Thomas

Box 5Folder 20
Letter to Mr. Ernst, 22 Jan. 1894

Greenwood, Grace

Box 5Folder 21
Letter to Mr. Ticknor, 12 Feb. 1851

Griffin, Frederick Robertson

Box 5Folder 22
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 12 May 1956
Box 5Folder 22
Printed booklet about Joseph Priestley, 1933

Hale, Edward Everett

Box 5Folder 23
Letter to Mr. Clark, 29 Sep. 1871
Box 5Folder 23
Letter to Mr. Cobb, 9 Mar. 1874
Box 5Folder 23
Printed article about Edward Everett Hale, 1913
Box 5Folder 23
Printed calendar pages, undated

Hamlin, Hannibal

Box 5Folder 24
Letter to Chester S. Stoddard, 11 June 1868

Hanson, Miles

Box 5Folder 25
Printed booklet: "What Jesus Means to Me," undated

Hawthorne, Julian

Box 5Folder 26
Letter to R. H. Stoddard, 31 May 1885

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Box 5Folder 27
Printed ship's certificate for the Montreal, signed by Nathaniel Hawthorne, American consul at the port of Liverpool, England, 18 Mar. 1854

Herford, Brooke

Box 5Folder 28
Letter to the editor of the Transcript about women's suffrage in Manchester, England, 29 Apr. 1885
Box 5Folder 28
Transcript of letter to the editor, undated

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth

Box 6Folder 1
Manuscript: "Saint or Sinner," [1878]

Hildreth, Richard

Box 6Folder 2
Letter to "Dear Sir," 15 May 1862

Hill, Thomas

Box 6Folder 3
Excerpt of "Carpe Diem," 11 Apr. 1871

Hillard, George Stillman

Box 6Folder 4
Letter to Samuel E. Sewall, Esq., 14 May 1846

Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood

Box 6Folder 5
Letter to Rev. Dr. Peabody, 24 May 1859?

Hoar, George Frisbie

Box 6Folder 6
Letter to the editor of the Boston Herald, 21 July 1900

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Box 6Folder 7
Letter to Henry H. Edes, 9 Jan. 1889

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

Box 6Folder 8
Letter to Prof. C. E. Norton, 15 Dec. 1896
Box 6Folder 8
Letter to unidentified recipient, 27 Feb. 1907?

Horton, Edward Augustus

Box 6Folder 9
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 1 Aug. 1904

Hosmer, Frederick Lucian

Box 6Folder 10
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 14 Oct. 1913

Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue

Box 6Folder 11
Letter to Ross Turner, 4 Nov. [no year]

Howe, Julia Ward

Box 6Folder 12
Letter to Miss Cooper, 9 Jan. 1896

Howe, Samuel Gridley

Box 6Folder 13
Letter to Mr. Rogers, undated

Howells, William Dean

Box 6Folder 14
Letter to Mrs. Wiggin, 24 Jan. 1894

Huidekoper, Edgar

Box 6Folder15
Two letters to George E. Nitzsche, 29 May-22 June 1923

Hunt, James Henry Leigh

Box 6Folder 16
Receipt for delivery of the Londina Illustrata, 8 Jan. 1851

Hyde, Walter Woodburn

Box 6Folder 17
Letter to George [E. Nitzsche], 19 Nov.? 1939
Box 6Folder 17
Transcript of letter to George [E. Nitzsche], undated

Jackson, Helen Hunt

Box 6Folder 18
Poem: "The Serf," undated

James, Joshua

Box 6Folder 19
Biographical sketch of Joshua James, undated
Box 6Folder 19
Printed article about Joshua James, 1934

Jefferson, Thomas

Box 6Folder 20
Printed ship's passport for the Cumberland, in four languages, signed by Thomas Jefferson and Levi Lincoln, 18 June 1801
Box 6Folder 20
Printed quotation, undated
Box 6Folder 20
Printed booklet: "The Unitarianism of Thomas Jefferson," by Samuel M. Crothers, undated
Box 6Folder 20
Congressional Record about Thomas Jefferson, 1943
Box 6Folder 20
Correspondence between Hon. John R. Murdock and George E. Nitzsche, 1943
Box 6Folder 20
Two printed pamphlets about Monticello, undated and 1951

Jesus Christ

Box 6Folder 21
Small printed poster about Jesus Christ, undated
Box 6Folder 21
Anecdote by George E. Nitzsche about a statue of Jesus Christ, undated
Box 6Folder 21
Letter from Thomas Hart to Marguerite Logan Bentley, 1928

Jordan, David Starr

Box 6Folder 22
Letter to Dr. Earl M. Wilbur, 26 Mar. 1912
Box 6Folder 22
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 20 Sep. 1927
Box 6Folder 22
Forward to an essay of Miss Watson, undated [manuscript and typescript]
Box 6Folder 22
Essay: "May Day [at] the Little Brook," undated
Box 6Folder 22
Essay: "Science, Exact and Inexact," undated
Box 6Folder 22
Essay: "The Meaning of Evolution," undated

Judd, Sylvester

Box 6Folder 23
Letter to "Dear Sir," 24 Jan. 1845

Kemble, Frances Anne ("Fanny")

Box 6Folder 24
Letter to "My dear Theodora," 10 [no month] [no year]

King, Thomas Starr

Box 6Folder 25
Letter to Mr. Reynolds, 21 Mar. 1859
Box 6Folder 25
Printed booklet about Thomas Starr King, undated [two copies]

Kirkland, John Thornton

Box 6Folder 26
Letter to Gen. H. A. S. Dearborn, 27 Sep. 1825

Klingelsmith, Margaret Center

Box 6Folder 27
Testamentary request, 7 Dec. 1907
Box 6Folder 27
Legal statement, 23 June 1922
Box 6Folder 27
Passport, 25 Apr. 1930
Box 6Folder 27
Essay: "One Issue," undated
Box 6Folder 27
Essay: "The Law, which does not Concern us, being women," undated
Box 6Folder 27
Untitled essay about law libraries, undated
Box 6Folder 28
Biographical sketch of Margaret C. Klingelsmith, undated
Box 6Folder 28
Printed notices on the death of Margaret C. Klingelsmith, 1931
Box 6Folder 28
Papers related to the death of Margaret C. Klingelsmith, 1931
Box 6Folder 28
Correspondence of George E. Nitzsche about Margaret C. Klingelsmith, 1931

Lawrence, Abbott

Box 7Folder 1
Letter to Hon. Richard Fletcher, 10 Dec. 1838

Lawrence, Amos Adams

Box 7Folder 2
Letter to Ephraim Abbott, Esq., 15 Apr. 1847

Lea, Arthur H.

Box 7Folder 3
Three letters to George E. Nitzsche, 28 Dec. 1935-30 Oct. 1936
Box 7Folder 3
Transcript of letter to George E. Nitzsche, undated
Box 7Folder 3
Biographical sketch of Arthur H. Lea, undated
Box 7Folder 3
Printed obituary of Arthur H. Lea, 1938

Lea, Henry Charles

Box 7Folder 4
Letter to William R. Tucker, 30 Jan. 1909

Lincoln, Abraham

Box 7Folder 5
Small printed poster about Abraham Lincoln, undated
Box 7Folder 5
Printed image of the Lincoln Memorial, undated
Box 7Folder 5
Printed program with quotation, undated
Box 7Folder 5
Printed articles about Abraham Lincoln, 1938

Lincoln, Levi

Box 7Folder 6
Statement of allegiance, 20 Aug. 1862

Livermore, Abiel Abbot

Box 7Folder 7
Letter to Dr. Peabody, 17 May 1855

Livermore, Mary Ashton

Box 7Folder 8
Letter to Mr. Ward, 29 Oct. 1871

Long, John Davis

Box 7Folder 9
Letter to Mr. Reynolds, 18 Apr. 1881

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Box 7Folder 10
Letter to Rev. Dr. Bosworth, 12 Sep. 1836

Longfellow, Samuel

Box 7Folder 11
Poem: "The Ruins of Furness Abbey," undated
Box 7Folder 11
Letter to Mr. Clark, 24 Oct. [no year]
Box 7Folder 11
Letter to Miss Hedge, 29 Aug. 1890

Lowell, Abbott Lawrence

Box 7Folder 12
Letter to Edwin M. Bacon, Esq., 5 July 1889

Lowell, James Russell

Box 7Folder 13
Letter to Mrs. Francis Alexander, 29 Dec. 1867, with poem
Box 7Folder 13
Photograph of James Russell Lowell, undated
Box 7Folder 13
Printed article about James Russell Lowell, undated

Lowell, John

Box 7Folder 14
Letter to George H. Sampson, 7 May 1825

Lupton, Dilworth

Box 7Folder 15
Biographical sketch of Dilworth Lupton, undated

Lyell, Sir Charles

Box 7Folder 16
Letter to "Sir," 15 July 1854

McCrary, George Washington

Box 7Folder 17
Letter to Gen. Smith, 16 June 1877

McDaniel, Walton Brooks

Box 7Folder 18
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 10 Nov. 1939

Madison, James

Box 7Folder 19
Biographical sketch of James Madison, undated
Box 7Folder 19
Notes about James Madison, undated

Mann, Horace

Box 7Folder 20
Letter to Rev. Dr. Bates, 5 Sep. 1846

Marshall, John

Box 7Folder 21
Letter to Henry Bacon, Esq., 12 Feb. 1824?

Martin, Helen R.

Box 7Folder 22
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 16 Apr. 1939
Box 7Folder 22
Transcript of letter to George E. Nitzsche, undated
Box 7Folder 22
Printed article about Helen R. Martin, 1939

Martineau, Harriet

Box 7Folder 23-24
Letter to unidentified recipient about a trans-Atlantic voyage, in the form of a journal, 3-25 Aug. 1836

Martineau, James

Box 7Folder 25
Letter to Rev. E. Everett Hale, 12 Mar. 1870

Masaryk, Charlotte Garrigue

Box 7Folder 26
Printed booklet about Charlotte Garrigue Masaryk, 1939

Masaryk, Thomas G.

Box 7Folder 27
Lecture by Herbert Adolphus Miller about Thomas G. Masaryk, 1937

Mason, J. Alden

Box 7Folder 28
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 10 Feb. 1955
Box 7Folder 28
Printed bulletin: The Languages of South American Indians, 1950, autographed
Box 7Folder 28
Biographical sketch of J. Alden Mason, undated
Box 7Folder 28
Letter from George E. Nitzsche to J. Alden Mason, 1955

Meserve, Harry C.

Box 7Folder 29
Printed quotations, undated

Mitchell, Maria

Box 7Folder 30
Letter to Mr. Slocum, 11 January 1885

Motley, John Lothrop

Box 7Folder 31
Letter to Mrs. W. B. Swett, 16 Jan. 1869?

Newell, William Wells

Box 8Folder 1
Biographical sketches of William Wells Newell, undated
Box 8Folder 1
Printed program for the ordination of William Wells Newell, 1867
Box 8Folder 1
Correspondence about William Wells Newell, 1965

Newton, Joseph Fort

Box 8Folder 2
Biographical sketch of Joseph Fort Newton, undated
Box 8Folder 2
Printed article about Robert Collyer, undated

Nitzsche, Elsa Koenig

Box 8Folder 3
Manuscript notes about the Incas, undated
Box 8Folder 3
Printed articles about Elsa Koenig Nitzsche, 1953-ca. 1970s

Nitzsche, George E.

Box 8Folder 4
Draft of introduction of Joseph R. Wilson, with note by George E. Nitzsche, 10 Nov. 1943
Box 8Folder 4-7
Copies of correspondence, printed matter, and other papers related to the Unitarian Church of Germantown and the Unitariana collection, 1921-1956

Norton, Andrews

Box 8Folder 8
Letter to Professor Cleaveland, 1815

Paine, Thomas

Box 8Folder 9
Biographical sketch of Thomas Paine, undated
Box 8Folder 9
Printed booklet about Thomas Paine, undated
Box 8Folder 9
Printed articles about Thomas Paine, 1927-1937
Box 8Folder 9
Letter from George E. Nitzsche to Joseph S. Clark, Jr., 1954

Palfrey, John Gorham

Box 8Folder 10
Letter to Mr. Norton, 9 Nov.? 1863

Parker, Theodore

Box 8Folder 11
Letter to Miss Rebecca L. Duncan, 5 Sep. 1847
Box 8Folder 11
Small printed poster about Theodore Parker, undated

Parkman, Francis

Box 8Folder 12
Letter to "Charles," undated

Parsons, Theophilus

Box 8Folder 13
Printed receipt from the U.S. Loan Office, signed by Theophilus Parsons, 2 Sep. 1791

Peabody, Andrew Preston

Box 8Folder 14
Letter to "My dear Sir," 4 Jan. 1870

Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer

Box 8Folder 15
Letter to William B. Fowle, Sep. 1857

Peabody, Ephraim

Box 8Folder 16
Letter to Thomas A. Greene, Esq., 27 Sep. 1847

Peabody, Francis Greenwood

Box 8Folder 17
Letter to Dean E. M. Wilbur, 18 Dec. 1913

Peabody, Josephine Preston (later Marks)

Box 8Folder 18
Poem: "The Forgotten," undated

Peabody, Oliver William Bourn

Box 8Folder 19
Letter to Reverend Ephraim Abbot, 8 Dec. 1825

Perkins, Thomas Handasyd

Box 8Folder 20
Letter to General Dearborn, 21 Dec. 1832

Pickering, Edward Charles

Box 8Folder 21
Letter to Elmer Kneale, 27 Nov. 1911

Pollock, Walter

Box 8Folder 22
Printed page from The Unitarian News, 1921

Prescott, William Hickling

Box 8Folder 23
Letter to "My dear Madam," 21 Feb. 1846

Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804)

Box 9Folder 1
Biographical sketch of Joseph Priestley, undated
Box 9Folder 1
Postcard about Joseph Priestley, undated
Box 9Folder 1
Small printed poster about Joseph Priestley, undated
Box 9Folder 1
Inventories of Joseph Priestley material collected by George E. Nitzsche, undated
Box 9Folder 2
Articles about Joseph Priestley, undated and 1926 [printed and drafts]
Box 9Folder 3
Printed booklet: "Priestleyana," by Edgar F. Smith, undated
Box 9Folder 3
Printed booklet: "Joseph Priestley," by Edgar F. Smith, 1926
Box 9Folder 4-5
Two printed journals: Journal of Chemical Education (Priestley nos.), 1927, 1933
Box 9Folder 6
Printed program, 1933
Box 9Folder 6
Two printed reports of the Joseph Priestley House, 1934, 1937
Box 9Folder 6
Printed reproduction of a painting of Joseph Priestley, 1939

Priestley, Joseph (1819-1883)

Box 9Folder 7
Certificate of registration at the University of Pennsylvania, 18 Nov. 1842
Box 9Folder 7
Certificate of matriculation at the University of Pennsylvania, 6 Nov. 1843

Priestley, S. E. Gerard

Box 9Folder 8
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 13 Dec. 1937
Box 9Folder 8
Biographical sketch of S. E. Gerard Priestley, undated
Box 9Folder 8
Printed brochure about S. E. Gerard Priestley, undated

Quincy, Josiah

Box 9Folder 9
Letter to B. A. Gould, Esq., 30 Aug. 1831
Box 9Folder 9
List of Boylston Prize declaimers, in another hand, 1 Sep. 1831

Reccord, Augustus P.

Box 9Folder 10
Printed booklet: "The Things That Remain," 1926

Reynolds, Grindall

Box 9Folder 11
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 27 Sep. 1893

Ripley, George

Box 9Folder 12
Letter to Rev. Dr. Sprague, 19 June 1861

Rogers, Samuel

Box 9Folder 13
Letter to Mrs. Mostyn, with printed poem by "C. T.," undated

Rubel, Donald C.

Box 9Folder 14
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 25 Jan. 1955
Box 9Folder 14
Biographical sketch of Donald C. Rubel, undated
Box 9Folder 14
Printed bill to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution, introduced by Donald C. Rubel, 1955

Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin

Box 10Folder 1
Letter to E. G. Dudley, Esq., 2 May 1861

Schelling, Felix Emmanuel

Box 10Folder 2-5
Chapter IV of Leaves From Certain Chapters of Elizabethan Playwrights, 1925
Box 10Folder 6
Three letters to George E. Nitzsche, 31 Mar. 1927-10 Apr. 1937
Box 10Folder 6
Review of Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1, edited by Samuel Burdett Hemingway, ca. 1937

Sharpe, Henry D.

Box 10Folder 7
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 1 Jan. 1923

Shaw, Lemuel

Box 10Folder 8
Letter to Richard Fletcher, Esq., 8 Dec. 1840

Shippen, Rush R.

Box 10Folder 9
Letter to Mr. Wendte, 15 Nov. 1871
Box 10Folder 9
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 8 June 1905

Sill, Edward Rowland

Box 10Folder 10
Letter to Mr. Stoddard, 22 June 1868

Simons, Minot

Box 10Folder 11
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 10 Feb. 1922

Slicer, Thomas R.

Box 10Folder 12
Printed booklet: "What Unitarianism Really Is," undated

Snow, Sydney B.

Box 10Folder 13
Two letters to George E. Nitzsche, 5-16 Mar. 1936
Box 10Folder 13
Letter from George E. Nitzsche to Sydney B. Snow, 1936

Somerville, Mary

Box 10Folder 14
Letter to Mrs. [Cholinessy], undated

Sparks, Jared

Box 10Folder 15
Letter to Prof. Felton, 12 Feb. 1847

Spencer, Anna Garlin

Box 10Folder 16
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 5 May 1905

Sprague, Charles

Box 10Folder 17
Poem: "To two Swallows that flew into church during divine services," undated
Box 10Folder 17
Letter to Mrs. [Cragin], undated

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

Box 10Folder 18
Letter to Edmund M. Davis, 10 Apr. [1869]

Staples, Laurence C.

Box 10Folder 19
Postcard to George E. Nitzsche, 3 Nov. 1952
Box 10Folder 19
Printed article about Laurence C. Staples, 1952

Stebbins, Horatio

Box 10Folder 20
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 17 Aug. 1893

Steinmetz, Charles Proteus

Box 10Folder 21
Check to Edmund Muller, 4 Mar. 1895
Box 10Folder 21
Printed article about Charles Steinmetz, 1953

Stevenson, Adlai

Box 10Folder 22
Letter from George E. Nitzsche to Hon. Adlai Stevenson, 1952

St. John, Charles E.

Box 10Folder 23
Printed article about Charles E. St. John, 1907

Stoddard, Richard Henry

Box 10Folder 24
Poem: "The Brahman's Son," 29 Mar. 1885

Story, Joseph

Box 10Folder 25
Letter to Hon. Bushrod Washington, 28 Apr. 1819

Story, William Wetmore

Box 10Folder 26
Letter to Charles S. Daveis, Esq., 30 May 1842

Strong, Charles Howard

Box 10Folder 27
Letter to Earl Morse Wilbur, 30 Apr. 1921
Box 10Folder 27
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 10 June 1921

Sullivan, Estelle T.

Box 10Folder 28
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 9 Nov. 1935
Box 10Folder 28
Printed notice on the death of Estelle T. Sullivan, 1937
Box 10Folder 28
Resolution on the death of Estelle T. Sullivan, 1937
Box 10Folder 28
Correspondence of George E. Nitzsche about Estelle T. Sullivan, 1937

Sullivan, William L.

Box 10Folder 29
Printed booklet: "Readings for Meditation," undated, autographed
Box 10Folder 29
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 28 Jan. [no year]
Box 10Folder 29
Remarks to the young people of Germantown Unitarian Church, Oct. 1934
Box 10Folder 29
Printed portrait of William L. Sullivan, undated
Box 10Folder 29
Printed quotation, undated
Box 10Folder 29
Printed article: "The Liverpool Incident," 1934
Box 10Folder 29
Printed notices on the death of William L. Sullivan, 1935
Box 10Folder 29
Resolution on the death of William L. Sullivan, 1935
Box 10Folder 29
Printed article about William L. Sullivan, 1935
Box 10Folder 29
Four printed programs of the Unitarian Church of Germantown, 1935-1955
Box 10Folder 29
Review by George E. Nitzsche of Epigrams and Criticism in Miniature, by William L. Sullivan, ca. 1936

Sumner, Charles

Box 10Folder 30
Letter to James Bell, Esq., 24 Dec. 1842

Sunderland, Jabez Thomas

Box 10Folder 31
Letter to Mr. Wilbur, 7 Dec. 1911
Box 10Folder 31
Printed booklet: "What Do Unitarians Believe?" undated [two copies]
Box 10Folder 31
Printed pamphlet: "Unitarians and the Hall of Fame," undated

Taft, William Howard

Box 11Folder 1
Letter to George E. Nitzsche, 27 Oct. 1925
Box 11Folder 1
Printed quotation, undated
Box 11Folder 1
Small printed poster about William Howard Taft, undated
Box 11Folder 1
Letter from George E. Nitzsche to William G. Barnard, 1921
Box 11Folder 1
Two letters from George E. Nitzsche to William Howard Taft, 1925

Taylor, Bayard

Box 11Folder 2
Letter to "Dear Sir," 5 Oct. 1855

Thayer, George Augustine

Box 11Folder 3
Printed article about George Augustine Thayer, 1925

Thurman, Allen Granbery

Box 11Folder 4
Letter to Mrs. A. G. Weld, 7 Mar. 1866, with manuscript on verso in another hand

Ticknor, George

Box 11Folder 5
Letter to Mr. M. Bruen, 24 May 1818

Tileston, F. Mitchell

Box 11Folder 6
Printed article: "Evangeliberalism," 1938

Trowbridge, John Townsend

Box 11Folder 7
Story: "Andy's Adventures; or the World Bewitched," undated

Tuckerman, Henry Theodore

Box 11Folder 8
Letter to "Fields," 6 Dec. 1852

Upham, Charles Wentworth

Box 11Folder 9
Letter to Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn, 26 Mar.? 1835

Walker, James

Box 11Folder 10
Letter to T. M. Brewer, Esq., 16 Aug. 1853

Washington, George

Box 11Folder 11
Note about the religious belief of George Washington, undated
Box 11Folder 11
Printed article about George Washington, undated

Wasson, David Atwood

Box 11Folder 12
Letter to "Hale," 7 Feb. 1873

Wayne, James Moore

Box 11Folder 13
Letter to Mr. G. H. Martin, 18 Sep. 1860

Webster, Daniel

Box 11Folder 14
Letter to Mr. Everett, 20 Mar. 1848

Wedgwood, Josiah

Box 11Folder 15
Two letters from Josiah Wedgwood & Sons to George E. Nitzsche, 1928, 1939

Wendte, Charles William

Box 11Folder 16
Two letters to George E. Nitzsche, 13-21 Nov. 1927
Box 11Folder 16
Two printed portraits of Charles William Wendte, undated
Box 11Folder 16
Printed booklet: "The True Basis of Religious Unity," undated [two copies]
Box 11Folder 16
Printed booklet: "What Is It to Be a Liberal in Religion?" undated [two copies]
Box 11Folder 16
Printed booklet: "What Jesus Taught and What Billy Sunday Preaches," undated
Box 11Folder 17
Printed booklet: "What Do Unitarians Believe?: A Statement of Faith," undated and 1885 [two copies]
Box 11Folder 17
Printed booklet: "Eine kurze Darstellung des Unitarianismus," undated [in German]
Box 11Folder 17
Printed booklet: "Qué creen los Unitarios," undated [in Spanish]
Box 11Folder 18
Printed booklet: "Unitarians: The Spiritual Descendents of the Pilgrim Fathers," 1890
Box 11Folder 18
Printed booklet: "Life Problems," 1900
Box 11Folder 18
Two printed programs, 1910-1913
Box 11Folder 18
Printed booklet: "The Unitarian Name and Principles," 1914 [two copies]
Box 11Folder 19
Printed booklet: "The Unitarian Churches and International Peace," 1916
Box 11Folder 19
Printed article about Charles William Wendte, 1924
Box 11Folder 19
Printed advertisement for The Wider Fellowship, by Charles William Wendte, 1927

Weston, S. Burns

Box 11Folder 20
Printed article about S. Burns Weston, 1936

Whipple, Edwin Percy

Box 11Folder 21
Letter to "My dear Professor," 4 Apr. 1879

Wicksteed, Philip Henry

Box 11Folder 22
Printed portrait of Philip Henry Wicksteed, undated

Wilbur, Earl Morse

Box 11Folder 23
Letter to "Dear Sir," 22 Sep. 1927

Wilbur, Henry

Box 11Folder 24
Printed portrait of Henry Wilbur, undated

Willard, Daniel

Box 11Folder 25
Notes about Daniel Willard, undated

Wister, Frances

Box 11Folder 26
Printed articles about Frances Wister, 1936, 1956

Wolcott, Roger

Box 11Folder 27
Letter to Henry H. Edes, Esq., 27 May 1891

Wright, Frank Lloyd

Box 11Folder 28
Printed quotation, undated

Wyman, Jeffries

Box 11Folder 29
Review of The Physiology of Man, by Austin Flint, Jr., ca. 1866
Box 11Folder 29
Review of Mind in Nature, by Henry James Clark, ca. 1866

III. Printed material, 1778-1927

This bulk of this series consists of the printed works of Joseph Priestley, primarily his own personal copies. Many of the books were inscribed or annotated by Priestley. Also included in this series are Charles William Wendte's The Wider Fellowship (2 vol.) and the membership register of the Spring Garden Unitarian Society, Philadelphia, Penn.

Box 12Folder 1
The Sadducee: A Poem Occasioned by Several Publications, and Particularly Disquisitions Relating to Matter and Spirit. London: Printed by J. W. Pasham, 1778.

This volume is inscribed by the anonymous author: "The Author to his Friend, the Rev'd Rich'd Harvey."

Box 12Folder 2
Priestley, Joseph. The Present State of Europe Compared with Ancient Prophecies: A Sermon, Preached at the Gravel Pit Meeting in Hackney, February 28, 1794, Being the Day Appointed for a General Fast...with a Preface Containing the Reasons for the Author's Leaving England. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1794.

This volume was bound at a later date in Philadelphia.

Box 12Folder 3
Priestley, Joseph. Two Sermons, viz. I. The Present State of Europe Compared with Ancient Prophecies; Preached on the Fast-Day in 1794...II. The Use of Christianity, Especially in Difficult Times; Being the Author's Farewell Discourse to His Congregation at Hackney. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Dobson, 1794.

This volume is Joseph Priestley's personal unbound copy.

Box 12Folder 4
Priestley, Joseph. Observations on the Increase of Infidelity. Northumberland-town, [Pa.]: Reprinted for J. Johnson, 1796.

This volume is Joseph Priestley's personal unbound copy.

Box 13Folder 1
Priestley, Joseph. Notes on All the Books of Scripture, for the Use of the Pulpit and Private Families. Vol. 3. Northumberland, [Pa.]: Printed for the author, 1804.

This volume, Joseph Priestley's personal unbound copy, is annotated by Priestley: "Wants the Cancels. Otherwise corrected."

Box 13Folder 2
Priestley, Joseph. Notes on All the Books of Scripture, for the Use of the Pulpit and Private Families. Vol. 4. [Northumberland, Pa.: Printed for the author], 1804.

This volume, Joseph Priestley's personal unbound copy, is annotated by Priestley: "Not yet Corrected. Want 1 leaf of my Index."

Box 13Folder 3
Membership register of the Spring Garden Unitarian Society, Philadelphia, Penn., 1880-1917

This volume includes lists of members, marriages, christenings, deaths, and other information. Inserted are printed items related to the Spring Garden Unitarian Society and other papers.

Box 14Folder 1
Wendte, Charles William. The Wider Fellowship: Memories, Friendships, and Endeavors for Religious Unity, 1844-1927. Vol. 1. Boston: Beacon Press, 1927.

This volume consists of unbound finished folio sheets.

Box 14Folder 2
Wendte, Charles William. The Wider Fellowship: Memories, Friendships, and Endeavors for Religious Unity, 1844-1927. Vol. 2. Boston: Beacon Press, 1927.

This volume consists of unbound finished folio sheets.

Preferred Citation

George E. Nitzsche Unitariana collection, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Adams, John, 1735-1826.
Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848.
Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.
Andrew, John A. (John Albion), 1818-1867.
Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell), 1820-1906.
Bowditch, N. I. (Nathaniel Ingersoll), 1805-1861.
Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878.
Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842.
Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880.
Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888.
Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.
Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1802-1887.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882.
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865.
Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874.
Fuller, Margaret, 1810-1850.
Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881.
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864.
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911.
Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1841-1935.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826.
Long, John Davis, 1838-1915.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882.
Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Mann, Horace, 1796-1859.
Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876.
Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860.
Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893.
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 1804-1894.
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804.
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861.
Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902.
Story, Joseph, 1779-1845.
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930.
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852.
Wendte, Charles William, 1844-1931.


Unitarian Society of Germantown (Philadelphia, Pa.).
United States--Declaration of Independence--Signers.


Liberalism (Religion)--History.
Presidents--United States--Autographs.

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the MHS Photo Archives. Included are portraits of Charles Gordon Ames, George Boros, George William Curtis, William Greenleaf Eliot, Jr., William M. Gilbert, Samuel Longfellow, William Wells Newell, George E. Nitzsche, C. J. Street, John Greenleaf Whittier, and Philip Henry Wicksteed, as well as other photographs and engravings related to individuals in this collection.